Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Discipleship Through Yugioh

Those of you who know Isaac know he loves yugioh cards. Not long ago I felt like I was loosing a relationship with him to his friends and his cards. So, I bought my own yugioh cards in hopes that I could regain hero status. It worked well. I was the talk of every 6-14 year old kid in our apartment complex. I was the dad you could brag to your friends about. It was great. The novelty has worn off a little, but we still play cards quite often. And now I am discovering a better side effect of yugioh than I imagined. I am teaching my son my life wisdom through the game, and he is teaching me humility.

Isaac beats me 3 out of every 4 games and it really hurts. I am way older and smarter than him. And I beat him 4 straight when I first got my cards, so it stings quite a bit. He is teaching me that winning isn't the whole picture.

Tonight, after Isaac stomped me, he commented that I should buy the new deluxe package of yugioh with stronger cards that would beat him (he could sense my defeated frustration). It was a great opportunity for us to talk about greed. I told him that I didn't need new, stronger cards to beat him. I just need to learn from my mistakes and try harder next time. I am teaching him character and integrity.

Yugioh is great!


At 11:48 PM , Blogger Matt Tibbles said...

When did you move up this direction?

At 9:56 AM , Blogger ewall said...

thanks for sharing man. glad to hear you guys are doing well! we miss you around here.

At 10:06 AM , Blogger Adam Wolfgang said...

Redemond Oregon - near Bend.

At 9:34 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

This is a strange world that I don't understand. At B&N we have three bays of Manga and people of all ages are constantly coming in all day long to browse and buy. It confuses the crap out of me. But I'm glad you can use it to teach your son character.

At 12:15 PM , Blogger rebecca marie said...

at the round table pizza in milwaukie there is a nerd conglomoration that duels every week. me and the mister pretend to be disgusted, but i know that he secretly wants to take the boy child and play...

it's time to duh duh duh duel!

i should sacrifice my monsters to round table.

(i have no idea what that means)


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