10 Suggestions?
At our small group meeting the other night we were discussing the 10 commandments. As I gazed upon the base of God's law, I couldn't help but notice that our culture/society/America only values one of the great commands from the Lord. That one command that is still valued is even on the fence. We still feel that murder is wrong, but abortion is okay. So that one command is somewhat still a part of who we claim to be as Americans. But none of the other commandments are practiced or even given second thought as part of our national identity. It's really sad because they are the foundation for which this nation created it's laws. I am officially embarrassed to call myself an American.
I. - You shall have no other god's before me
II. - You shall not worship or create idols
III. - You shall not misuse the name of God
IV. - Keep the Sabbath day
V. - Honor your father and mother
VI. - You shall not commit murder
VII. - You shall not commit adultery
VIII. - You shall not steal
IX. - You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor
X. - You shall not covet your neighbor's spouse or possessions